Bible Teaching Ministry
A Self-Paced Specialized Ministry Training Program
Program Description
Do you like teaching? Would you love to know and even get a broader understanding of what the Bible says regarding teaching? This specialized ministry diploma program focuses on the full-time ministry office and gift of teaching in the body of Christ.
Whether you are a mature or growing Christian, this comprehensive and specialized ministry training and coaching program is designed to equip and train men and women who feel called to the ministry as Bible teachers or itinerant ministers and are interested in learning how to develop and use the gift of Teaching. Students will understand the difference between the gift of teaching as a full-time ministry office versus just simply teaching the Bible in a Sunday school class or small group bible study setting in your local church or community. Special emphasis is placed on how a Christian can identify and know if he/she has the spiritual gift of teaching, how to develop the call to teach and how to find his/her rightful place on the ministry team in a local church.
A called, gifted and trained Bible teacher is well equipped and qualified to teach the Bible to individuals, small groups, Sunday school classes, and to also organize and conduct in-house and public seminars, workshops and conferences for Christians and non-Christians on college and university campuses, in local churches and in large convention centers rented locally, nationally or even internationally. By the end of this specialized ministry training and coaching program, you will understand and know how to start and run an effective Bible teaching and traveling ministry that can spiritually reach, impact and transform the lives of both Christians and non-Christians in your city, state, country or around the world.
Program Modules
Module 1: Bible Doctrines/Systematic Theology
The following courses provide an analytical and biblical study of nine (9) of the major doctrines of the Christian faith.
1. The Doctrine of God (the Father)
2. The Doctrine of Christ (the Son)
3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
4. The Doctrine of the Trinity
5. The Doctrine of Man
6. The Doctrine of Sin
7. The Doctrine of Salvation
8. The Doctrine of the Church
9. The Doctrine of the Bible
Module 2: The Teaching Ministry
The following course lessons provide a general overview of the office and gift of teaching and also place special emphasis on the biblical character qualifications and the day-to-day ministry of a called and gifted Bible teacher.
1. Understanding the Office and Gift of Teaching
2. Discovering and Developing the Call and Gift of Teaching
3. Developing the Character and Qualities of A Sound Bible Teacher
4. How to Study and Teach the Bible for Life Change
5. Measuring Your Effectiveness in Teaching
6. Finding Your Place on the Local Church Ministry Team
7. Other Avenues and Ways to Use Your Gift of Teaching
Module 3: The Minister's Spiritual Development
The following courses establish and lay a solid spiritual and biblical foundation upon which students can build, develop and walk-in the supernatural gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit to make positive impact in the lives of others.
1. The Practice of Prayer: How To Cultivate and Develop A Personal Life of Prayer and Fasting and Stay On Fire For God
2. The Teaching Anointing: How to Develop, Activate and Release the Anointing To Teach the Bible For Life Change
3. Foundations of Spiritual Warfare
Module 4: Establishing A Successful Bible Teaching and Traveling Ministry
The following course lessons provide a specialized and proven framework to help students effectively organize, launch and operate/manage a successful Bible teaching and traveling ministry, regardless of where on earth they may be located or may find themselves.
1. Setting Up Your Bible Teaching Ministry
2. Creating and Projecting A Professional Image and Brand
3. Building Your Credibility and Reputation as a Bible Teacher
4 Getting Speaking/Teaching Engagements with Churches and Other Parachurch Ministries
5. Organizing, Sponsoring and Hosting Your Own Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
6. Funding Your Ministry: How to Raise Money To Support Yourself and Your Ministry Activities
Program Format & Schedule
Our specialized Bible teaching ministry training and coaching program courses are made available to students
online so as to allow them get equipped and trained for successful Christian
ministry without the need to leave their home state or country.
Program Length
This is a self-paced specialized, online ministry training program. The program length/duration will depend on each student's personal input and time invested in completing courses and other program requirements.
Awards Upon Completion
• Diploma, Bible Teaching Ministry
• Christian Minister's License
Choose Your Payment Plan
Choose a plan that fits your budget and personal ministry goals.
Simply enroll and pay for this program as you take it. There are no contract which bind you to any
of our courses or programs. You are absolutely free to cancel your plan at any time.
Normal Value:
Two Payments
Billed per 6 months
FREE course manuals
FREE 6-Page Ministry Website
Quarterly Plan
Billed per quarter
FREE course manuals
20% discount on 6-Page Ministry Website
Monthly Plan
Billed monthly
FREE course manuals
Pre-Enrollment Form
If you are interested in enrolling in this program, please fill out this form to express your interest and what you are looking to achieve from the program.
Upon receiving your submitted form, we will contact you about the next step in the registration and enrollment process.
Other Paid Courses You May Also Find Interesting:
• Product Development: How To Create, Produce and Earn Residual Income From Your Own Education-based, Information Products
• Curriculum Development: How To Create, Develop and Produce Your Own Bible-based Curriculum, Bible Studies, Study Guides, Manuals and Workbooks
• Ministry Training Institute: How To Start, Launch and Operate A Successful Church-based Bible School or Ministry Training Institute