Modern Christian Monthly Budget Planner
Product Description
As Creator, Source and rightful Owner of all of earth’s resources, God in His sovereignty chose to partner with you—first by giving you the breath you breathe and then entrusting you with various graces, gifts and resources to manage for Him (Gen. 1:1, 26-27; Ps. 24:1-2; Hag. 2:8). As a steward (manager) for God, you are expected to properly manage the time, gifts, talents and abilities God has given you to work and earn money and to wisely use that money to generously support the work of His kingdom and to provide and take care of your personal needs, as well as those of your family members or loved ones (1 Pet. 4:10-11; 1 Cor. 4:2; Lk 12:48; Eccl. 2:24-26; 1 Tim. 5:8).
Sadly however today countless thousands and perhaps millions around the world are trapped and in bondage to debt, which often result to poverty and lack, due to their poor stewardship of the money and other resources that God has given them.
But it’s NOW time to take back control of your finances! Stop the debt stress cycle. Take absolute control by wisely managing the money you earned from work and your other endeavors in life.
This Planner was designed with you in mind. It will help every Christian, especially those who desire and want to be responsible and good stewards for God.
It will help you:
• Take control and properly manage your finances
• Set realistic yearly and monthly financial goals
• Establish and live on a reasonable budget
• Pay your household and other important bills on time
• Record your giving to your church and other ministries or charitable causes
• Spend money wisely on things that really matter
• Keep record of your regular or daily spending habits
• Track your monthly debt payments and balances
• Save money for future emergencies
• Determine your priorities and stay organize
• Be accountable—a faithful, responsible and good steward for God
• Monthly Budget
• Monthly Calendar (Undated)
• Monthly Expense Tracker
• Monthly Debt Tracker
• Monthly Savings Tracker
• Monthly Budget Review
• Monthly Checklist of Things to Complete
• Place to Write Yearly and Monthly Financial Goals
• Place to Track Yearly Summary of All Incomes and Expenses
• Place to Jot Down Ideas or Notes
8.5” x 11”
Black Leatherette Covers
Wire-O/Double Loop Wire
Lasts Complete 12 Months (i.e. The undated monthly calendar format allows users to begin at/from any month in any given year)
$24.99 + 8.99 (shipping & handling)
Click Below to Purchase
Life-changing Teaching Training Resources
The following resources are only some of the practical, in depth and content-rich Christian education-based and life-changing teaching and training products and resources that have been personally written, developed, published and presented by Rev. William B. Kallon. With Rev. Kallon's many years of professional and hard earned experience in Christian ministry (i.e. preaching, teaching, counseling and mentoring) and business, he is passionate, devoted and committed to equipping, training and building the lives of believers locally and strengthening the Christian church worldwide.
Our wide variety of products and teaching, training and coaching programs and resources (i.e. books, mini books, booklets, Bible studies, study guides, CDs, DVD videos, etc.) are designed to inspire, educate and empower Christians to live the victorious Christian life, set and reach their personal and professional goals and leave a legacy for the next generation.
Abortion & The Sanctity of Life
Opposed to the lies often propagated by advocates of the pro-choice movement and popular culture, human life doesn't begin at birth but rather at conception (eg. fertilization of the mature egg by a sperm cell in the uterus (womb) of a woman.
In this in depth teaching, Rev. Kallon, a biologist turned minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, explored and revealed both the scientific and biblical facts about the origin and sanctity of human life. The goal here is to help you understand and know the real truth about abortion and help those who advocate in favor of, or perhaps who at one point in their lives committed an abortion find inner peace and healing.
Material: Scripture Reference & Study Guide
Price: $39.00
The Antichrist
In the Old Testament the Prophet Daniel predicted the rise, influence and global impact of the antichrist in the last days. During His life and ministry here on earth our LORD Jesus Christ, as well as the Apostles John and Paul warned believers both about the person and spirit of the coming antichrist who will oppose and deny Christ and go on to deceive and lead people away from God.
In this in depth teaching, Rev. Kallon explored the Scriptures and revealed how believers can recognize and identify the person and workings of the antichrist and what they should look out for and guide against since the spirit of the antichrist is now already in the world.
Material: Scripture Reference & Study Guide
Price: $39.00
The Truth About Miracle Money
Countless thousands and perhaps millions in the body of Christ today are deceived about the concept of miracle money. But is miracle money biblical? Does the Scripture teach anywhere about miracle money?
In this revealing in depth Scripture reference and study guide, Rev. Kallon expose the errors and deception of false apostles, false prophets and so-called miracle workers in the body of Christ today.
Material: Scripture Reference & Study Guide
Price: $39.00
The Apostles & Prophets
Just as there were true prophets chosen in the Old Testament to speak and carry the message of God to His people, true apostles and prophets were called, equipped and sent by Christ to be the first-hand eye witnesses of His life, death and resurrection and to also pioneer and set the early New Testament church in order.
Contrary to popular belief, Rev. Kallon explored the Scriptures and debunk the misguided belief and errors that are often propagated by some Christians who believe and even take on the names and titles of apostles and prophets today. He explained the role and ministry of the apostles and prophets in the New Testament and provides both biblical and historical evidence to proof that ever since the death of Christ's last living apostle, John, absolutely no man or woman has ever met the biblical criteria (eg. call, ministry, qualifications, etc.) to occupy and/or be called apostles and prophets in the body of Christ today.
Material: Scripture Reference & Study Guide
Price: $69.00
Church Leadership
The church, as has been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets and Jesus Christ as its chief cornerstone, it must be spiritually led and governed. But who are called to lead the church? What biblical criteria must a person meet in order to serve as a leader in the church of Jesus Christ?
In this in depth teaching, Rev. Kallon explained the various forms of church governments practiced in the body of Christ today, and then explored the Scriptures to reveal the biblical offices, roles, responsibilities and character qualifications of those called to lead the church as leaders.
Material: Scripture Reference & Study Guide
Price: $79.00