Pastoral Ministry

A Self-Paced, Specialized Ministry Training Program

Program Description

The office of pastor is one of the five-fold ministry gifts given by Christ to the church for its equipping, edification (building up), growth and worldwide expansion (see Eph. 4:11-16; cf 1 Pet. 5:1-4).

Just like Christ chose, trained, equipped and commissioned His apostles to preach and teach the Gospel around the world (see Mk 3:13-15; cf Matt. 28:18-20; Mk 16:14-20), He expected the apostles to also disciple, raise up, train and release others to go out into the world and do the same (see Ac. 11:19-26; cf 2 Tim. 2:1-2).

Any Christian layman contemplating or desiring the office and ministry of pastor must be spiritually mature, biblically literate (have a well-rounded knowledge of the Bible), mentally and emotionally healthy (stable) and also personally proven in Christian fruit and character (see Gal. 5:16-26; cf 1 Tim. 3:1-7) before entering and serving in the office and position of pastor.

All of the above requirements will enable and allow the person serving in the office and position of pastor to:

• Shepherd with humility and care
• Counsel with knowledge and wisdom
• Lead with confidence and conviction
• Preach with authority and boldness

With the extremely high cost of sound biblical and theological education and the huge time commitment required (usually between 4 -7 years) by regionally accredited Bible colleges and seminaries for those who are called to minister and serve the church in the capacity as pastors, a great need exist today for every local church to raise-up, train, equip and release capable ministers to assist in various capacities in the local church and its mission in the world without compromising sound biblical doctrine and church practices and polity.

This specialized pastoral ministry training program is designed specifically for two categories of people:

(1) lay ministers recommended by their local church pastors who are looking for help and desire to eventually appoint/deploy those trained to assist in strategic ministry leadership positions in the local church, and

(2) Christian ministers who may not have had the opportunity to attend traditional Bible college or seminary degree programs but already serving in the ministry and role as pastor, and desire and want to receive specialized pastoral ministry training or a refresher.

While some pastors and lay ministers may like to take one or more of these specialized pastoral ministry training courses, the courses were not designed for that purpose and therefore they are not available to be taken individually.

Program Modules

Module 1: Bible Doctrines/Systematic Theology

The following courses provide an analytical and biblical study of nine (9) of the major doctrines of the Christian faith.

1. The Doctrine of God (the Father)

2. The Doctrine of Christ (the Son)

3. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

4. The Doctrine of the Trinity

5. The Doctrine of Man

6. The Doctrine of Sin

7. The Doctrine of Salvation

8. The Doctrine of the Church

9. The Doctrine of the Bible

Module 2: Pastoral Ministry

The following courses provide a general overview of the gift and office of pastor. Special emphasis is placed on the biblical character qualifications and day-to-day ministry of the person called to the office of pastor.

1. The Call, Character & Ministry of the Pastor

2. How to Study and Teach the Bible for Life Change

3. Homiletics: The Art of Preaching With Impact

4. Ministerial Ethics

5. Church Organization & Administration

6.. Church Leadership Development

Module 3: The Minister's Personal & Spiritual Development

The following courses establish and lay a solid spiritual and biblical foundation upon which students can build, develop and walk-in the supernatural gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit to make positive impact in the lives of others.

1. The Practice of Prayer: How To Cultivate and Develop A Personal Life of Prayer, Fasting and Stay On Fire For God

2. The Pastoral Anointing: How to Develop and Walk in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit For Life and Ministry

3. Foundations of Spiritual Warfare

Module 4: Ministry Electives

The following courses provide the pastor with a solid biblical foundation and good working knowledge of marriage and family ministry and also enhances his/her practical skills in counseling to provide support to church members and others who may need such ministry.

1. Marriage & Family Life I

2. Marriage & Family Life II

3. Pastoral Counseling

Program Format & Schedule 

Our specialized pastoral ministry training and coaching program courses are made available to students
online so as to allow them get equipped and trained for successful Christian
ministry without the need to leave their home state or country.

Program Length

This is a self-paced specialized ministry training program. The program length/duration will depend on each student's personal input and time invested in completing courses and other program requirements.

Awards Upon Completion

• Diploma, Pastoral Ministry
• Christian Minister's License

Choose Your Payment Plan

Choose a plan that fits your budget and personal ministry goals.

Simply enroll and pay for this program as you take it. There are no contract which bind you to any
of our courses or programs. You are absolutely free to cancel your plan at any time.

Normal Value:

Two Payments


Billed per 6 months

FREE course manuals
FREE 6-Page Ministry Website

Quarterly Plan


Billed quarterly

FREE course manuals
20% discount on 6-Page Ministry Website

Monthly Plan


Billed monthly

FREE course manuals

Pre-Enrollment Form

If you are interested in enrolling in this program, please fill out this form to express your interest and what you are looking to achieve from the program.

Upon receiving your submitted form, we will contact you about the next step in the registration and enrollment process.  

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