

Thank you for your sincere desire to volunteer your time and service during our upcoming meeting.

Please choose from the below list any one area of ministry (activity) that you will like to commit your time and service during the meeting.

1. Ushering
2. Praise & Worship Team Member
3. Instrumentalists (i.e. organist, guitarist, drummer, etc.) 
4. Product/Book Table Attendant
5. Security

Please note that all of the above positions are unpaid ministry activities. By choosing to volunteer you are agreeing that you are not expecting to be paid before, during and/or after the meeting.

Message Sent!

Thank you for your sincere desire to volunteer during our upcoming meeting. Please expect to receive a phone call or email from us within the next 2-3 days. And if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to speaking with you shortly!